Just because the outside work is done does not mean our heroine has nothing to do indoors.
Saturday morning she opened the closet on the front porch to stow a bag of trash until Monday. When she opened the door she saw that some mice were thinking about moving in for the winter. After she pulled out the three pairs of wellies this is what remained.
The little buggers had even gnawed a hole in one of Richard's wellies and not one of the cheap ones. It brought to mind a question as to why do we have 3 pairs of wellies? Our heroine got even however and got one mouse in a trap by Sunday morning and another one this morning. She hopes that is the end of them but will keep a trap baited and ready just in case.
After cleaning up from the mice our heroine went out and picked the last of snow peas and some of the green beans. She then blanched and froze them.
That done she headed up to her sewing room. She is still not sure what got to her but she tore the room apart to clean it out and re-organize it.
She eventually ran out of time on Saturday and after her Sunday morning coffee this was the view as she walked in to the room. It was not a pretty site. But filled with her morning coffee and a good breakfast our heroine went right to work.
A few hours later she was very pleased with her work. Richard's mother's sewing machine is in a space to itself and ready to be used.
The monster machine is also ready at a moments notice. Our heroine found the old Jolly Roger that they used to fly on their boat and realized that it made a pretty neat curtain.
She took metal shelving she had and put it in the closet, after she moved all the wood and other stuff that had been stowed there.
Our heroine was so please with herself that she headed downstairs for a treat only to find out that she had eaten all the pumpkins that were in the bag of Fall Mix, bummer.
She promised a friend a picture of the trees. There is not much color at our heroine's home yet.
It was now getting late in the day and our heroine had promised her co-workers an apple pie on Monday morning so she got right to work.
While the pie was in the oven she scrubbed, oiled and salted two potatoes for twice baked potatoes
As the pie and potatoes baked she ran down to put the seat cover on Tonto only to realize that she has not measured for the entire metal seat part. Damn!! At least it is better that it was. Our heroine also realized that using Sunbrella for a drawstring seat cover was not very smart as Sunbrella is very stiff and does not like to be used for things like drawstring seat covers.
While cleaning out her sewing room our heroine found a yard of this Hawaiian material. While the pie and potatoes baked she cut it out to make 4 dinner napkins and two cocktail napkins. She still has to sew the hems on them.
At last the pie was done.
Finally, our heroine finished the potatoes and with a sigh she sat on the sofa with a glass of wine to watch her favorite show WHEW!
If she can do this much in two days our heroine wonders what she could accomplish during a four day weekend,,,,hmmmm.
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