Monday, May 28, 2012

Mother' Day Weekend

Since I was going to be alone on Mother's Day weekend,,,,except for my three four-legged furry kids I decided to treat myself to a road trip to the boat. The weather forecast was for perfect weather the entire weekend.

As I was sitting in the cockpit enjoying a cocktail on Friday night I was surveying my surroundings and looking to see what, if any, damage was left from the direct hit Oriental took from Irene last fall. As I was driving down I saw several house with tarps still on their roofs. But the most interesting thing I saw was this gazebo across the creek from us. The storm surge had pushed it over some and then the owners lashed it so it would not fall any further over.

On Saturday as I was relaxing in the cockpit and learning how to knit a father and son came over to do some fishing.

I was not the only one relaxing on Saturday. Morgan assumed his position on the cabin roof and dozed in the shade while the breeze ruffled his coat.

Kele soon got tired of guarding her territory from everyone who came near and gave in to a nap in the sun.

But of course Lili kept watch.

It was a wonderful weekend with the "kids".

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