Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend

Memorial weekend, a time when we honor those who gave their lives for our country. The "official" start to the summer. A time for parties, barbecues and going to the beach, the lake or what ever, unless,,,,,,,,,

Unless you are the mountain girl who has LOTS of things to get done over the summer, and since the weather was gorgeous it was a long weekend for all outdoor chores.

When I got home from work early on Friday I changed clothes, took a quart of water and went out to split wood. After 3 hours this is what I had accomplished.

I decided to treat myself to an everything but the kitchen sink pizza. This beauty had pepperoni, sausage, bacon, onions, garlic, black olives and portabella mushrooms with lots of cheese. It was wonderful.

Saturday I headed back out to spend the day with Tonto, the tractor, and split more wood. This is where I quit after 5 1/2 hours. You need to refer back to Friday's photos to realize the amount that I got done. Actually if you go back to "A New State of Normal" You can see the whole pile before I began splitting.

I promised myself that Sunday would be an easy day, no more wood splitting for this girl. Nope, no way! Instead I cleaned the front porch area. The siding was covered with grime and mildew. Check out the raw wood frame around the storm door on the far left of the photo.

After I scrubbed the siding clean I got the paint that Richard had left me and painted all the trim around the storm door. When Richard saw this photo he thought I had painted the siding also because it looked so good.

Now being the somewhat crazed person that I am I could not sit back and relax for the rest of the day. I had to push myself and chop kindling. This box was absolutely, positively completely empty when I started. It only took me 90 minutes. But now I have a blister on my left palm and a severe case of tendonitis in my left hand. I should have quit when I started to get the blister but no, I was too stubborn.

Monday, Memorial Day, I did real easy stuff like sprayed Round-Up on the weeds and did laundry. I got my two male college tenants to stack all the split wood for me. Now I have room to split the rest next weekend. Maybe it will rain and I can do easy chores indoors.

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