Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fun With BIll and Rhonda

The other night I had Bill (my ex-husband) and Rhonda (his girlfriend) over for dinner. We had a great time even though my casserole came out a bit dry and the dessert did not live up to my expectations. I had tried to create something new and now know, I think, how to fix it for the next time.

After dinner we sat in the living room enjoying wine, Bill was drinking scotch with lots of ice(see below).

Like everyone else who meets Morgan, Rhonda just fell in love with our handsome little boy.

I believe that Bill was trying to make a point,,,or he was pointing at the clock and commenting on how late it was getting.

What ever it was he laughed about it.

Tyler came up and sat with us for awhile. He got Kele to sort of cuddle with him. He is making great progress in earning her trust.

I also got a lovely floral arrangement from Bill and Rhonda. It was a great night and I would like to do it again sometime just without the hangover.

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