Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Making Progress,

I have been working diligently to get all the wood split into firewood pieces so I can move on to easier stuff.
By Saturday lunchtime I had finished the pile of wood behind the woodshed and Jared had stacked it all for me. Even the woodshed is now full.

After lunch I headed out to start on the pile in the driveway near the garage,

By the time I quit I had made some great progress. With some help from the boys I can get this knocked off pretty quickly.

We have a rule that on Sundays we do not run the lawn mower, weed eater or tractor (unless we have to plow snow). I took the opportunity to head over to Tennessee and do a Sam's Club run. I found everything I wanted and stayed within my budget. I am good!! I have also restocked my baking supplies so I can have more fun with food days.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon, what a busy weekend! We’re glad you had a chance to stop by Sam’s Club and thanks for shopping with us. Congrats on sticking to your budget! Let us know if you need any baking recipes to help with your newly-stocked supplies! – Ramona from Sam’s Club
