Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What A Hectic Life

Our life here in the mountains has become very hectic lately. Since Richard has taken a job out of the area he has been working hard to make sure everything that is normally taken care of over the summer is done before he leaves. Some days I get tired just watching him.

On our back deck we have a pile of 2 inch thick pine which will eventually become the rest of our first floor flooring. Richard wanted to put it in the upstairs bedroom so the wood can dry out over the summer. In order for him to do this I had to move the furniture around, roll up the rug and find a new home for the coffee table. Then I had to cover the furniture so it would be safe from varnish spatters. So, our great guest room no longer looks so great. The wood will be put in here any day now.

Across the hall I have personally trashed the "blue" guest room getting things together that Richard will need in his new digs. I am really glad we have no company coming anytime soon.

One of the projects Richard insisted on doing was to repaint all the patio furniture. It looks really good and I am glad he did it.

A couple days later we decided to lower the water in the large pond so Richard could go in and move some water plants back to where the belonged and to fix the fountain. Some of the plants got relocated by the tractor last summer. A little late he realized the water was deeper than he thought. Notice how wet his sweatpants are and all the water pouring out of ONE of his boots. The other one was just as full.

A day or two later we had our neighbor coming for dinner so after working I whipped up this black bean, corn tortilla and chicken dish for dinner. Martha Stewart eat your heart out.

As I was looking over the yard I was really happy to see that the Lily which Kit had given me last year is coming back.

And of course while running around like a chicken with my head cut off, my loyal companion was never far off. I love taking pictures of her cute manatee face.

How can anyone think she looks angry???? Unless of course you are on the other side of the storm door and she does not know you.

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