Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring and Easter Weekend

Spring has come to the mountains. Of course spring comes every year according to the weather guessers and the calendars. But this year everything is blooming very early. Along with spring comes Easter so this entry is a little bit about both.

Last July I had surgery and my boss gave me this Azalea, I love the color of the flowers and am happy that it is blooming again.

Our woodshed is almost empty. The piles on the far left are small pieces and "chunk" wood which is prefect for the chiminea. However we are in great need of larger pieces for the inside fireplaces.

On Good Friday, after I got home from work Richard and I spent 2 hours in the driveway splitting wood. Here is what we accomplished.

On Saturday morning we split a pile of wood that was near the woodshed. I spent the rest of Saturday moving and stacking all this wood and all the wood in the driveway into the shed while Richard put new brakes on the Land Rover. Sorry to say I did not take a photo of the woodshed after I was done.

Sunday was Easter and I made a blueberry pie for our dessert. I also made a Crab and Shrimp Au Gratin casserole for out dinner,,,again no photos,,,,,this is what happens when you work too hard the day before.

On Easter Monday Richard walked around the house and took photos of spring time stuff. The house with the PMJs blooming in the yard.

The big pond with the fountain running again.

On Easter Monday I finished packing up Richard. I don't pack his clothes, just everything he needs for daily living.

And since its spring I did some spring cleaning of closets and dressers. Here is a pile of the stuff I now need to go through. Some will go to Goodwill and the rest will be put on EBay. This should keep me occupied for awhile.

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