Saturday, April 28, 2012

April Showers

April Showers bring May flowers. I have heard that all my life. This April we not only got showers, but several days of above normal temperatures which caused everything to bloom much earlier than normal. Then we got snow and 3 nights of freezing temperatures. Some of the plants came through better than I though they would. Others I am not sure about. The tulips had come up and were in their full glory when the cold snap hit. Several of them did not make it through the rough weather.
The azalea was just about to burst forth into bloom when the freeze hit. Now the blossoms look dead but the leaves seem to be okay.
The pond at the front door had icicles on the side of it.
However, the frogs went ahead and croaked their little hearts out and mated and now I find that April Showers not only bring May flowers but a lot of tadpoles,,,,,
There are a couple hundred of those little suckers in the pond this spring.

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