Friday, June 11, 2010

Memorial Weekend, 2010

On Memorial Day weekend we took advantage of some very nice weather and headed over to our boat. We connected with our friends Walter and Brenda who are from Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada. They needed to get some work done on their boat and we told them to contact a place where we get our work done.

On Friday, very late in the afternoon, actually early evening, we all got together for sundowners in our cockpit.

Saturday Brenda, Richard and I all headed over to the local Farmer's Market where we bought some bread and then went to the local seafood store and picked up some huge shrimp which Richard would later cook on the grill.

After a couple of cocktails Richard went out and gave assistance to a man whose rudder had broken.

When Richard got back he cooked the shrimp and we ate dinner and then drank 4 bottles of wine. When the wine was gone Richard had me pull out a bottle of Earl Grey Liquor. This stuff is not made anymore but we enjoyed it, the entire bottle.

On Sunday we were all invited over to Harry & Melanie's house a/k/a Base Camp for an Ice Cream Social. I don't care what people say, ice cream does help ease a hangover.

Richard had a nice chat with Jesse and Cindy about a lot of nautical stuff.

On Monday morning we waved goodbye to Walter & Brenda aboard Brandarus as they left Oriental bound for points much further north.

We left Oriental about 9 a.m. on Monday and after several stops we managed to take a 6 hour ride and turn it into a 10 hour adventure. But it did include stopping at Chili's for some great burgers for dinner.

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