Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Spring, But Not Warm

In my garden world some things are going great. Like the cucumbers pictured below. I am perplexed as to why the sunflowers are not growing up, but over. Very strange. Pictured below on the left are my petunias in the two front boxes. They are just NOT growing even though they are getting a lot of sunlight every day. My tomatoes are doing the best and will be ready to make the move outside by this weekend or next at the latest.

In my first blog entry I said I would be happy to see the Frog Fountain running again. Richard drained the pond and got the Frog working again. It is nice to come home after work and hear the soothing sound of the fountain.

All of our Azaleas are in bloom. Considering that it was 31 degrees on Mother's Day when we woke up things are doing well.

What has impressed me the most this spring are the Daffodils, Tulips and Garlic we planted here last fall. We planted them very late and I was not sure if anything would come up this spring but as you can see the Daffodils and Tulips are doing great. The Garlic has started to come up and I am looking forward to being able to harvest it in the fall.

1 comment:

  1. Have you grown garlic before? It is a very strange plant!! You will need to chop off their heads (scapes) when they pigtail, so that the cloves will mature to full size!! They are very tasty in salads, also fried up or roasted with cooked veggies!!
