Monday, April 12, 2010

On a Serious Note,,,,,,

Several of you know already, but some don't. On April 13th, 2010 I will become a six (6) month survivor of breast cancer.

It has been a rough battle at times, fighting this insidious disease, which creeps up from behind and hits you when you are not looking.

I am no longer ashamed of the fact that I had a mastectomy of my right breast in October of 2009. And I am looking forward to the day when I can have my body somewhat back to normal, after reconstruction.

I have come to terms with my mortality and accepted the fact that I am no where near as "bullet proof" as I thought I was this time last year. Nothing like those three little words "You have cancer" to bring you down to earth quickly, sort of like a slap in the face.

I have made it a personal goal to watch over my friends and harp on them to get their mammograms done when needed and to do their monthly breast exams. I ask all of my lady friends who are reading this to take care of themselves. get your mammograms and do your monthly self exams. I found my first lump because my right arm brushed across my breast in an unusual way and I felt a lump. Tests later revealed a second lump. It had been 5 months since I had last done a self exam. The lump I found was about 1/2 inch across, not very small, maybe the size of a small pecan my surgeon said.

I am one of the lucky ones who did not have to have chemo. It would have only increased my chances of being cancer free in 10 years by 2% and the drawbacks were the hair loss, the puking and a risk of heart damage. Since I had the mastectomy and the cancer had not yet spread to my lymph nodes radiation treatments would do me no good. So, I am taking one pill each day, Tamoxifen. It gives me hot flashes from hell and makes it almost impossible to lose weight. But it beats the alternative.

I intend to go sailing in the Bahamas again with Richard. I intend to be there when I become a grandmother and I want to be there to teach my grandchildren the wonderful feeling of racing along at 8 knots under the power of the wind alone and to show them the beautiful places the wind and a good diesel engine can take you.


  1. Wonderful blogging! I enjoy it!

  2. Your blogging reports are so awesome Sharon...I love to read every bit of your life updates. We miss you and Richard very much! Your strawberries, green beans, flowers etc....are amazing! You inspire me in many many ways my friend! Love you, Leslie
