Sunday, May 16, 2010

Aw, Hail!!

Yesterday was a gorgeous day, at least during the morning and early afternoon. I went to work on the back deck planting my tomatoes, cucumbers, Dahlias and strawberries. I knew there was a chance for afternoon showers and thunderstorms but I did not expect 3 separate rounds of hail. Damn!!

Above is what the back deck looked like after round one.

I am not sure if the poor Dahlia pictured above will survive.

The cucumber plants pictured above suffered also. Most lost their top leaves and almost all the stems were crushed or severed. Luckily I still had some seeds left and planted about 16 seeds in each of the three planters like the one shown.

The tomatoes also took a beating but they fared better than the cucumbers. Most plants lost some leaves but the stems look to be intact and undamaged. Whew.

This Hosta in the front yard looks like it got hit with a shotgun. I did not take a picture of the driveway but it rained so hard we have gullies. Richard will have to go out on the tractor later on and replace the gravel that washed away.

After I replanted the cucumbers I moved them, the Dahlias and the tomatoes under some cover. They will still get some sun but if it hails again this afternoon at least they will be protected. Hopefully today's round of rain and t-storms will not bring more hail.

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