Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spoiled Rotten Kids

Whenever people ask Richard and I if we have children, we reply yes and they are furry and four-legged. The three of them make our lives interesting, whether it be by their antics or just how much love they give us.

A regular occurrence is Richard sitting on the sofa with one or more pups hanging around, literally. Here is Morgan dozing while his head is hanging off the edge of the sofa.

A close up of Morgan and Kele one night.

Richard getting comfortable with Kele and Morgan

Its hard to see in this photo but Kele was close to sliding off the sofa and landing head first on the floor. It would have been a loud thump.

Now you may be asking where is Lili during all of this, she is sleeping on the down-filled sofa in the master bedroom and has the entire sofa to herself, Lucky Dog.

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