Sunday, January 8, 2012


This blog entry is totally out of order,,sort of. My computer died after my last blog update and I lost a lot of photos. The computer repair guy is working on trying to get my stuff off the hard-drive. In the meantime I have taken over Richard's computer for blog updates.

Back on November 7, 2011 I did a blog entry titled "Life in The Mountains". In that blog I had made a Moravian Chicken Pie and Emeril's Traditional New England Chicken Pot Pie. We have eaten both and since I cannot upload photos I will just tell you the outcome.

The Moravian Chicken Pie came out rather dry. It needs more gravy mixings added to it. Emeril's recipe we both thought had too much crust. I will make them both again and change things a bit and then post the recipes. I had also made a curried turkey and broccoli casserole with a mashed potato crust and again we both feel it needs some fine tuning so hang in there for some great recipes coming up soon.

In the meantime the first full weekend in January was quiet and cool. Temperatures on Saturday were in the 40s for the highs so we headed out to take down all the outside Christmas decorations. After that was accomplished I made Richard some oatmeal raisin cookies. He loves these.

After watching a Long John Silver's commercial Richard commented on how he really wanted some homemade fish and chips. Having no fish to work with we went about making some fries or chips for lunch. Here they are cooking.

One done we sprinkled the fries with sea salt. For our first effort they came really good.

After eating all those fries I needed a nap and laid down on the sofa. It was not long before Kele and Morgan came to join me. I was tired enough that I was able to nap with 85 pounds of dogs laying on me. Richard said this picture was fair as I am always taking shots of him napping.

Since we had a heavy lunch I made us grilled chicken Cesar salads for dinner with garlic cheese toast.

It was a great day. I love weekends when we don't have much to do.

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