Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas With C.J.

My best Christmas gift in 2011 was a visit from my son C.J. I had not seen him since Christmas of 2009. He arrived late afternoon on Christmas Eve, bearing 6 bottles of wine, a bottle of Grand Marnier and a bottle of 12 year old Glenlivet. I hid the Grand Marnier from Richard and put the scotch out for Richard's consumption.

We had some great conversation, great wine, champagne and by Christmas morning I realized I had not taken a single picture yet,,,,oops.

We opened our Christmas Gifts in front of the fire. C.J. was happy to have received a new Star Trek Christmas ornament.

Richard was happy with his gummy peaches, cigar gift certificate and other goodies.

After I got the turkey in the oven we went out for a long walk, 2 hours long. C.J. was enjoying the brisk mountain air and was taking photos to send to his friends.

On the morning of the 26th C.J. had to leave. Before he left Richard gave him a decent pile of firewood.

I made sure I got a photo of C.J. and I before he left.

Once my boy hit the road the kids all decided they needed a nap. It was only a few days, 4 to be exact, before the next crew rolled in.

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