Sunday, March 18, 2012

Barley Casserole

Back in the spring of 2004 I left my home in the mountains and drove down to St. Simon's Island, Georgia for a Women's Retreat with my Church in Florida. A few of us ladies ate at this restaurant named The 4th of May. The food was good and they were selling their cookbook. It has been printed to look like the actual copy from the kitchen of the restaurant.

Here is the front cover,

Here is the back. I like the Kilroy cooked here doodle.

Barley Casserole

1/2 lb mushrooms
1 lge onion, finely chopped
1 tsp salt
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup butter
1 cup pearled barley
1/2 tsp black pepper

In a large skillet melt the butter and add the onion; saute until the onion is tender, 4-5 minutes. Stir in the mushrooms and cook for another 5 minutes.

Mix in the barley, salt and pepper and brown lightly, mixing well with the onions and mushrooms. Pour barley mixture into a buttered 1 quart casserole and stir in the chicken broth. Cover the casserole and bake for 25-30 minutes until the barley is tender.

For this recipe I used medium pearled barley from Quaker. After 40 minutes in the oven I thought it was still a bit tough. Not bad though and high in fiber.

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