Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gone Again

So the morning after our 6 state road trip we got Richard packed off and off he went to take his Able Body Seaman Class. Its a 2 week ordeal and they learn about fire suppression, fire fighting, getting into life rafts and the such.

Since he was gone I had an entire weekend to do nothing except play with the dogs and do little chores around the house.

Once project we had been trying to get to for several weeks was to make pine cone fire starters. You melt a lot of wax and then dip the pine cones in the melted wax 2-3 times, letting them cool and harden between dips.

The basket below is what I got done on Saturday.

Sunday I had an entire tote of pine cones still to go. I did not finish this project until about 8 pm on Sunday night.

While waiting for the wax to melt I whipped up a batch of Peanut Butter and Oatmeal bones for the kids. Liliuokalani loves them and Morgan was excited about his first homemade treat. The mixture made 3 dozen treats for the kids, most of which I froze.

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