Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My July 4th Weekend

This weekend the old Aesop fable came to mind about the Grasshopper and the Ant. The grasshopper would play all day while the ant toiled, working on being prepared for the upcoming winter. This weekend we played and did some serious work for the upcoming winter.

The photo below is how the outside wall of our new mud room turned out. We had some leftover tongue and groove wood from the inside walls and used it here. I am very happy with how it turned out.

On Saturday, the 3rd Richard and his high school classmate, Fred fired up the chainsaw and cut some trees into fireplace lengths. Then they fired up the tractor and started splitting firewood for the upcoming winter. I know we have a few months of summer weather still.

At then end of Saturday they had split and stacked this much wood.

While they were splitting wood I was working on making new seats for these antique beach chairs that Richard has. I had purchased some Sunbrella for them and needed to cut it to length and hem the sides. When they were done with the splitting for the day the guys attached the fabric to the chair frames and Richard gave one a test "sit". Thankfully it held him and he did not go crashing to the deck.

When the chairs are folded up the material is supposed to pull tight. Richard was proud of my work as they turned out perfectly.

Sunday Richard replaced the rear brake shoes on the Land Rover and then we cleaned up and went to a 4th of July party. No photos, sorry. We had a wonderful time and met some nice people and got to watch some fireworks.

On Monday the three of us went back to splitting more wood. I would help roll the logs over towards the tractor where Fred and Richard would split them. Once the logs were split the guys would toss the pieces into the woodshed where I would stack them. This is what we got done before lunch time.

After lunch the guys followed me up to our friend's house where they loaded up the bed of the pick-up truck with more wood to be cut and split. We will soon be ready for a cold winter,,,,which I hope does NOT happen.

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