Saturday, March 13, 2010

Welcome to the Lough Life

Up here in the North Carolina Mountains it has been a very long, cold and snowy winter. Yesterday was the first time I saw our froggy fountain since before Christmas.

I look forward to the warmer days when he is running again.

In anticipation of warmer weather I went out and bought several seed starting kits and lots of seeds. We have seeds for Dahlias, Pansys, Wave Petunias, Sunflowers, Basil, Cucumbers for pickles, Eggplant, Green Beans, Sweet Peppers and two types of Tomatoes. I also bought onion sets.

We planted garlic back in the fall and I really hope it comes up when the weather gets a little warmer.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! And I love the name!! Post often, we wanna know!
