Friday, March 19, 2010

A Narrow World

I am currently in Rancho Mirage, California spending a few days with my mother while my step father opens up their summer home in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and also enjoys a break from his care-taker duties.

We got out to the barn every morning after walking the dogs and take my mother's former horse Hana her "goodie bucket" Momma had to sell Hana because she was too much for her to handle sometimes.

Wildflowers growing along the road. Every morning we take the dogs Maui and Nikki and go for a short walk. We take bird seed for the wild birds and sometimes left over corn cobs and stale bread. After the walk we go to Starbucks, get coffee and the LA Times an then go home for awhile.

Out where we walk there is a pavalion built on a ridge. I can imagine the views are great from up there.

It is a small world my mother lives in and it is getting smaller all the time. I was so proud of her for agreeing to go to the mall with me yesterday even if it was only for about 30 minutes. She did ask me a couple of times if I was sure I could find out way back to the car and I assured her that I knew exactly where it was.
By mid afternoon most days we are back in the house watching taped episodes of Jay Leno and Oprah from the day before. Then it is an early dinner and an early bedtime.
So far I am lucky and have not had to put my foot down about something she is doing or wants to do. I hope that does not happen during my stay. We are supposed to have lunch with my brother Patrick and his wife Denise tomorrow.
I will post more when I get home.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to know that you are making the best of your visit, stay positive.
