Since here in the mountains we are strongly advised not to plant outdoors until Mother's Day weekend and since by Mother's Day weekend most of the plants left at Lowes are picked over we have turned our kitchen into a greenhouse.
We bought some cilantro and rosemary this year and we planted them in these large round wine tiles.We have done this before and had great success with them.
On the left from the back forward are 4 sweet basil, 2 okra and 2 sweet banana peppers. The tray on the right is all petunias for our flower boxes around the back deck railing. If we get a good crop from the okra we are going to pickle it for martinis, yummy.
Here are our 8 tomato plants. 4 are roma and 4 are cherry varieties.
Farthest away are 4 small jalapeno and 4 small cayenne pepper plants, the next ones towards you are sweet red bell peppers.
Now mind you we were going to cut back on what we grew this year. Somehow 10 pepper plants was not what I had in mind, more like 4. We did make the decision not to grow green beans, onions or attempt eggplant again this year. For some reason the eggplant grow and get lots of blossoms but no fruit ever sets. Maybe they don't like altitude.
Now we just have to hope that Tuesday's possible wet snow on the mountain tops will be the last snow until the fall. Please, please let it be so, I want my kitchen counter space back.
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