Friday, December 3, 2010

Photos from Days Gone Past

Back in 2008 Richard and I set sail on our sailboat Hale Kai. We met some wonderful people while cruising. The photos here were taken by our dear friend Michelle. The same person who helped me decorate the house over Thanksgiving weekend.

This photo was taken our first night in Miami. We were invited aboard a neighboring vessel for sundowners. It was on this catamaran that we first met Michelle.

These two photos were taken on Christmas Day. We had people from a few boats over sundowners and a pot-luck Christmas Dinner.

Clockwise starting in the lower left corner:
Patti and Roland from S/V Wayward Wind
Richard's head
Clark from S/V Seabatical I
Julie from S/V Island Chariot

Here Julie's husband John can be seen next to her.

One day we went to the Holocaust Memorial. It was very moving. Afterwards we walked around the Botanical Gardens. Michelle got someone to take a group shot of us.

All that walking made us thirsty so we found a bar on Lincoln Road Mall that starts Happy Hour early.

Clockwise from the lower left are:
Clark, me, Julie, John, a man I can't remember, Richard and Michelle.

Richard and I.

1 comment:

  1. I forget that guys name but his boat was called s/v Morgana. If I go to Seabbatical 1's blog I could probably find out his name!
    That last photo of you and Richard was the 1st pic taken with my New Vivitar camera that we bought there in Miami.
    And the bar was Soprano's, What a fantastic time we had in Miami. One of my fav places!
